Applying common sense to a not so common pallet

We built our first BoxnLoad product as a one-way pallet suitable for export air freight. Since then our range of pallets have been utilised for a wider range of applications.

Due to the varying nature of operating conditions, we strongly recommend that customers test our pallets in their own operational environment to assess suitability.  We are happy to assist with this process.

We also ask our customers to apply common sense when using our pallets as when using any type of pallet.

Here are common sense things to consider when considering using our pallets:

Do not overload the pallet

Cardboard pallets have limits just like wooden pallets do.

BoxnLoad pallets are designed to carry up to two tonnes* of static load in moderate non-controlled environmental conditions.

Appropriate weight limits will depend upon your operational circumstances. It is important that you undertake your own trials before implementation. This should be in line with the safety guidelines in your workplace.

Loading the pallet in a safe manner

Uniform stacking and load distribution is a general basic safety rule for pallets. The same rule applies to our cardboard pallets. Poor weight distribution may cause any pallet to fail.

Racking the pallet

Our pallets are not currently designed for standard pallet racking. BoxnLoad pallets may be stored on a “shelf” on a pallet rack (depending upon the rack weight limits and prevailing environmental conditions).

Cardboard and water

Cardboard absorbs moisture from the air as well as any surface with which it comes into contact. Cardboard also absorbs moisture when it makes contact with significant amounts of water.

Regardless of the quality of the construction of a pallet, wet cardboard turns into ‘mush’ over time.

Too much moisture causes fibres in the cardboard to swell and this weakens its strength, which reduces the strength of the pallet.

Some organisations may have a requirement to use pallets in wet or very moist environments. The manufacturer does not recommend the use of BoxnLoad cardboard pallets in wet or moist environments.

Cardboard and concrete

Most people who have  left a cardboard carton on the garage floor have returned some months later to find the box rotting and falling apart - this is because concrete also retains moisture.

Concrete absorbs moisture from the ground and (to a lesser extent) the air around it.

Cardboard is more absorbent than concrete. Prolonged contact with concrete may lead to the pallet absorbing moisture. It is best to not leave our pallets standing on a concrete floor for an extended period of time.

Cardboard and temperature / humidity

It may be a challenge to manage changing weather / climate conditions during transportation. This may be relevant for fresh food or for any goods susceptible to humidity / moisture. Changes in humidity affect any goods that retain moisture or water. Cardboard is no exception.

Changes in temperature and humidity affect how much water air can hold. This is called Relative Humidity (RH). The hotter it is, the more water vapour air can hold. For example, air contains far greater water vapour in a hot climate of (say) 30-35°C and  50%-60% RH than air in a cool climate of (say) 1-3°C and 85% -95% RH .

So it follows that cardboard is more likely to maintain its strength and structural integrity when the moisture content of the environment remains consistent with RTP (room temperature and pressure) and RH of 50%-60%.

Customers should ensure that their testing of a cardboard pallet includes the transport phase.

Cardboard Pallet Waste Disposal

Our pallets are 100% recyclable. This translates to zero landfill and zero waste levies. For most businesses cardboard pallet disposal should be at zero cost along with all other recyclable waste paper. In some cases where there are larger volumes of recyclable waste a rebate may be negotiated with the waste manager.


What weight can the Pallet carry?

Up to two tonnes static weight*.

The operational environment of each customer varies. We recommend that the customer tests the pallet in the operational environment applicable to the customer. Testing should take into account differences in humidity / contact surface moisture / load requirements along with any other variables that may exist in your particular operating conditions.

Can the pallets be used for fresh produce?

Yes. Cardboard is suitable for the transport of food products as it:

- is dust-free,

- produces no gases

- is safe from biotic infestation so does not need fumigation

Can the pallet be used in a cool room?

In many cases yes. This is often a requirement for fresh produce.

It is important that you test our pallet in your own temperature and moisture controlled environment before implementation.

Can I store the pallet in a freezer?

There are too many variables involved to provide a definitive answer. It is possible that our pallets may be used in a freezer in the same way as cardboard boxes containing produce may be used in a freezer.

However, once removed from a freezer where the thawing process begins the pallet may absorb moisture. This may then lead to a decrease in the structural integrity of the pallet.

In short, you will need to test and validate in your particular freezer operating conditions to make your own assessment.

Do BoxnLoad cardboard pallets need fumigation or heat treatment?

No. This is not required for cardboard as it does not contain raw vegetable matter.

ISPM15 (international standard) addresses the global spread of timber pests by regulating the movement of timber pallets for international trade.

Is the pallet manufactured with recycled content?

Yes. Various grades of cardboard are used in manufacture. Our pallets contain a minimum of 50% post-consumer waste.

Is the pallet recyclable?

Yes. Our pallets are 100% recyclable alongside your other paper and cardboard waste.

Manufacturer Guidelines

BoxnLoad pallets are exclusively manufactured for BoxnLoad using high quality cardboard to deliver high strength, high capacity cardboard pallets. BoxnLoad pallets offer significant benefits for use in air freight as well as other operational situations.

In all cases the Manufacturer recommends that customers undertake testing in their specific operational circumstances regardless of the following guidelines:


Pallets are recommended for use with static loads of up to two (2) tonnes (dependent upon pallet surface area ) in the following circumstances:

i/ Typical Non-controlled environment conditions

In a temperature range of 15°C to 30°C (celsius) with an air moisture content range of 7 to 13 grams of water (H2O) per kilogram (which equates to 50%-60% RH - Relative Humidity across that temperature range)

ii/ Controlled environment conditions

In a temperature-controlled environment of 1°C to 4°C (celsius) with an air moisture content range of 4 to 7 grams of water (H2O) per kilogram (which equates to 70%-100% RH - Relative Humidity across that temperature range)


(1) Weight is evenly distributed across the pallet surface and does not exceed 1,500 kg/sq. mtr and

(2) Pallets are utilised for one-time use on level dry surfaces for the initial usage and

(3) Pallets are located on a level dry surface that is low in retained moisture for a period not exceeding 6 months and

(4) Pallets have been stored prior to use in conditions that ensure that the pallets are well preserved and have not been subjected to:

(a) air temperature range and air moisture content outside of the conditions described in point i) above

(b) contact surfaces that are wet or have a high retained moisture content e.g. soil, unsealed concrete

Air and Surface Moisture

BoxnLoad pallets are not recommended by the manufacturer for use in environments where there exists:

- air moisture at or above 15 grams of water per kilogram of air.  For example, at 20°C this level of moisture content equates to approximately 100% RH

- high surface moisture i.e. wet surfaces

- high retained surface moisture content e.g. unsealed surfaces such as bare ground, unsealed concrete